local file crawl return ContentNotFoundException: Not Found

Hi, I’ve installed fess on a debian server and i want to file crawl a folder file:///mnt/ssdBis2/collection/
but when trying to run the crawler i got an error in the URL error:
org.codelibs.fess.exception.ContentNotFoundException: Not Found: file:///mnt/ssdBis2/collection/ Parent: null
so fare I’ve tried every possible combination, i’ve looped on the / before the mnt, using only one / and also tried adding a * at the end, the folder is reachable using firefox and it display the files inside.
their are some txt inside going from ko to 500mb but i get nothing in return

her is the part in the fess crawler log:

2024-07-02 14:48:43,127 [main] INFO  Lasta Di boot successfully.
2024-07-02 14:48:43,128 [main] INFO    SmartDeploy Mode: Warm Deploy
2024-07-02 14:48:43,128 [main] INFO    Smart Package: org.codelibs.fess.app
2024-07-02 14:48:43,238 [main] INFO  Starting Crawler..
2024-07-02 14:48:43,374 [WebFsCrawler] INFO  Target Path: file:///mnt/ssdBis2/collection/
2024-07-02 14:48:43,376 [WebFsCrawler] INFO  Included Path: .*
2024-07-02 14:48:43,485 [Crawler-20240702144839-1-2] INFO  Crawling URL: file:///mnt/ssdBis2/collection/
2024-07-02 14:48:53,393 [IndexUpdater] INFO  Processing no docs in indexing queue (Doc:{access 2ms}, Mem:{used 147.874MB, heap 1.024GB, max 4.096GB})

all the files inside have -rwxrwxrwx permissions
what sould I do in order for the crawler to work correctly ?

I think Fess cannot access the directory. Please check the directory and its parent directories.

ls -l /mnt/ssdBis2/collection
ls -l /mnt/ssdBis2
ls -l /mnt

Can the Fess environment crawl directories other than the one mentioned above?

So far i wasn’t able to crawl anything, i’ve tried from the /home and the /mnt
and the same permission are applied everywhere
thanks a lot also for pointing me the right part, did a litle "namei -l /mnt/ssdBis2/collection and got the right of the ssdBis who is completly locked for anyone else than my user, changer it and it look like he finally found a file, now i have to change the max file size that can be processed and the ID who should be indexed too and it’ll be wonderfull, thank you