How to create a new index data, which uses default settings?

I’m using Fess 14.10.0 with Opensearch 2.9.0 cluster.
It seems that FESS create a index data which is named like “fess.Starting-Date”, like fess.20230824.
However, I’d like to create different index data for different crawlering data based on document path.

In the Fess Dashboard, there is “create index” item,
I tried to use it to create a new name index, but its settings are so simple that no
mapping or others settings.

I want to use default index settings so I tired to GET default index settings, and PUT
them in the new index settings. However, failed.

Could you teach me whether my idea is correct? If is possible, how to do it?
If not, teach me how to create a new index whose settings is same as initial index settings please.

Thanks in advanced.

However, I’d like to create different index data for different crawling data based on document path.

Could you explain the details?
I think many users use a label feature for the use case.

Yes, I also want use default index settings, but just another index name different with FESS initialized index whose name always like “fess.xxxxx”, like fess.20230101".
Following is what I tried to create a new index by FESS Dashboard “create index” menu:

“fess.20230813” is the initialized index, I want to create a new index “fess.20230825” that its
settings is the same as default settings.

After click “Create” button, FESS reported error, following is some error messages from log output:

[2023-08-25 08:22:33] REST API output:
[2023-08-25 08:22:33] {“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:“illegal_argument_exception”,“reason”:“The mapping definition cannot be nested under a type”}],“type”:“illegal_argument_exception”,“reason”:“The mapping definition cannot be nested under a type”},“status”:400}

( do nnt understand what does it mean.

You cannot create a fess index on the Dashboard page because a fess index has a lot of analyzers and field mappings.
If you want to update the index, please update fess.json and doc.json and start reindexing on the Maintenance page.