How can show "\" as japanese "¥"

I created a “help_ja.jsp” file, which its format is “utf-8” that is same as my FESS configuration.
However, there is "" character ub nt “help_ja.jsp” file.
In my text file editor(notepad of Windows Server(Japanese) it shows “¥”,
but was changed to "" in the browser.
Is there any way to show "" as japanese character “¥” in the browser?
I tried to set “charset=‘shift_jis’” in my help_ja.jsp, but it is replaced to “utf-8”
when I viewed source of help_ja.jsp page in the browser.

It’s better not to use Notepad.

Thank your answer.
Anyway, I changed to create help_ja.jsp file by WordPad, but
same result that “¥” was displayed as "" in the Edge browser.
However, if I change file extension from “help_ja.jsp” to “help_ja.html”,
and open it directly from Edge, the “¥” can be viewed in the browser.
So, can FESS use html help file instead of jsp?

Fess only supports JSP. Have you attempted using \?

Thank your suggestion.
“\” does not work,
but “¥” seems fine.