Highlightning in Digest

(from github.com/Anders-Bergqvist)
How to get highlightning in Digest instead of content_description? I want to use Digest but the highlightning appears only in Content_description.

(from github.com/marevol)
It may be the following setting in fess_config.properties:


I’m not sure it works…

(from dmpatel3445 · GitHub)

How to get highlightning in Digest instead of content_description? I want to use Digest but the highlightning appears only in Content_description.

@Anders-Bergqvist Have you managed to get this working? I would like to do the same thing so wondering if you have found a solution. Thanks :slight_smile:

(from github.com/Anders-Bergqvist)
@dmpatel3445 Unfortunately I did not get that to work and gave up. I’m still interested in a way to get it work tough!

(from github.com/dmpatel3445)
@Anders-Bergqvist Thanks for getting back to me. Will let you know if I can get it working.