Few questiones about Fess itself

(from github.com/llluuuyyy123)
Hi sorry to disturb,
I am a beginner user for Fess.I faced a few problem when I was using Fess.


After I add fess a new crawler website in admin mode.I couldn’t get any results back when I did the search.Do I need to change the default Crawler setting in the Job scheduler? Or i missed any steps when I added the new website in fess?


I am using the Elasticsearch which build in fess.Am I allow to query this Elasticsearch directly? Because some of the search results seem to different to my own loacl Elasticsearch.


If I add an external Elasticsearch in the Fess (So two Elasticsearch exist together). When I search one word . Would Fess search both of ES for me?

Hope Someone can give me some advices thx…!

(from marevol (Shinsuke Sugaya) · GitHub)

After I add fess a new crawler website in admin mode.I couldn’t get any results back when I did the search

Did you start Default Crawler after adding crawling config?

Am I allow to query this Elasticsearch directly?

Embedded elasticsearch runs on 9201 port.

Would Fess search both of ES for me?

If you setup external elasticsearch, embedded elasticsearch in Fess will be disabled. So, you can use only external elasticsearch.

(from github.com/llluuuyyy123)
Thanks for your rapidly reply.

I did started my default crawler

any ideas?

And I noted that my Fess Properties in System info /config info is happened some error

any relative?

(from github.com/marevol)
What are crawling configs?

(from github.com/llluuuyyy123)
thanks the problem solved.

One last question about the FESS_DICTIONARY_PATH
Because I am using External elasticsearch cluster after I set the FESS_DICTIONARY_PATH=/var/lib/elasticsearch/config/ in fess.in.sh
I find out the Dictionary List didn’t match with my real file

and if Iset
These two: in elasticsearch.yml

configsync.config_path: /var/lib/elasticsearch/config/node_1
script.engine.groovy.inline.update: on

the dictionary list option will run into an error
any ideas??

(from github.com/marevol)
configsync.config_path: /var/lib/elasticsearch/config

See http://fess.codelibs.org/11.0/install/install.html