Database changes

Hi Fess Author,

i found in doc of version 9.4 is allow to change Database from H2 to other. and i try to change to Postgresql by change config in dbflute_fess but doesn’t work. Is it possible to change database in version 10.2 ?

Fess 10.x does not need any databases.

Is it possible or not if I want to put user into postgresql . do you have any clue for do that ?

Fess 10 contains no DB. User information is in elasticsearch, LDAP/AD or OpenIDConect. DB is not supported.

Thank you for support, I have own oauth2 service so how to integrate with fess as login with oauth2.

OAuth2 is Authorization, not Authentication.
Fess supports only authentication system at the moment.
Therefore, OAuth is not supported.

does fess can support login with facebook or google plus? if have please provide me some example.

To support them, we need to create SsoAuthenticator implementation, like oic.OpenIdConnectAuthenticator.

For Google login, I think you can use OpenIdConnectAuthenticator.

Yes, Thank you so much. i will try.