ContentNotFoundException for file system crawl


I installed fess with docker (using this package: and am running the docker container with:

docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-opensearch2.yaml up

I want to crawl a folder on my file system and tried it multiple ways, but the crawler always errors out with “org.codelibs.fess.exception.ContentNotFoundException: Not Found: Parent: null”

I tried with:

  • file:///path/to/my/folder (absolute path to local folder)
  • /path/to/my/folder (absolute path to local folder)
  • file:/mnt/documents (mounted folder in docker)
  • file:///mnt/documents (mounted folder in docker)

What am I missing?

Thank you for any help!

A docker container cannot access a volume on the host machine. To resolve this issue, you need to mount the volume using the -v option.

It worked, thank you!