A few questions with Fess...

(from github.com/geodawg)
First off, I would like to say that Fess is amazing! It does almost 100% of what I need right out of the box.

  1. The first thing I am interested in is the ability to add a facet search to the application. Is that currently in place and am I missing it?
  2. The second is the ability to add a Label with the value in UTF-8 characters.
  3. Finally, I would like to export some of the data that is crawled. What is the best way to do this. What is the ES end point?

Thanks in advance

(from marevol (Shinsuke Sugaya) · GitHub)

Is that currently in place and am I missing it?

Facet is available. See Demo.

The second is the ability to add a Label with the value in UTF-8 characters.

Yes. Fess is i18ned software.

What is the ES end point?

It depends on installation. See Installation Guide.

(from github.com/geodawg)
Thank you! So, Labels are facets? If that is the case, I am still having issues saving a Label if the value of the Label is in Chinese, Korean or Japanese.

(from github.com/marevol)
Try it and then let us know if you have a problem.

(from geodawg (Adam Estrada) · GitHub)
When I add chinese characters in to the value field of the labels page (http://localhost:8080/admin/labeltype/) I get the error below.

Value must match “^[a-zA-Z0-9_-| ]+$”.

(from github.com/marevol)
Value field is alphabet or numeric characters.

(from geodawg (Adam Estrada) · GitHub)
This is what I am putting in the value field of the label type page.

햇빛과 무지개

I still get the error above stating that is has to be numbers and letters. Does it have to be in latin text?

(from github.com/marevol)
Value is URL parameter. You cannot use multibyte characters in it. See doc.

(from geodawg (Adam Estrada) · GitHub)
That makes sense.

When I convert this




I get the same error as well as another one saying that it’s too long.

Size of Value must be between 0 and 20.
Value must match “^[a-zA-Z0-9_-| ]+$”.

(from github.com/marevol)
The Value is like a value of ID…
We do not expect to use multibyte language.