Labels missing from Web (Crawler) Configuration 12.4

I’ve upgrade from 12.3.2 to 12.4, including elasticsearch and all the plugins.

Labels appears to have disappeared from the “Web Configuration” Crawler screen.

Should I be using the Labels configuration differently?

i.e. use the included and excluded paths in the Labels configuration screen instead of selecting a label in the Web Configuration screen?

I will attempt a fresh install to be sure it’s not an issue related to upgrading.

(from marevol (Shinsuke Sugaya) · GitHub)

Should I be using the Labels configuration differently?

Yes. Upgrade process will remove labels from web configs in the next release.

Thank you, I’ve superficially replicated the same config for Included and Excluded Paths in the Labels configuration from the Web (Crawler) Configuration.

Will there be a way to remove legacy Labels, or will future updates simply scrub that configuration?